

can i choose my seat when i buy online or is it auto assigned ?
Hi, seats are assigned by system.
now it's March. I want to book for August. But there are no arrows to change the month. how can i book for august now ?
Hi, please come back to make the order after June of 2017.
The ERA shows everyday?
Yes, there is an ERA show everyday.
Are there 6 tickets available for tonight, Friday or Saturday night
Hi, you may go to the ticket office to try.
Do you have a show in August 7-9?
Hi, yes, we have the show in August.
I would like to purchase Y150 and Y250 tickets for a big group (100 pax) for October. Can I book tickets this early and have the entire group seated together?
Hi, the tickets for October are not released, please come back after August.
Hi! Does a 2 and 1 year old baby need a ticket if they are staying on me and my husband lap during the presentation?
Hi, please be noticed that full price for children, declined baby admission.
Do you have tickets available for 27th July ?
Hi, we have no more tickets.
I am trying to buy tickets for June for the ERA but there is no button to click to move onto the next month. Is there any bug in the website or any other way I can buy the tickets?
Hi, the tickets for June are not released yet.
Hi there. We are wanting tickets for September. Do you know when they will be available, and how do we receive the actual tickets? Can we print them out at home (e-ticket), or will you send them to our hotel? Thanks!
Hi, normally you can buy the tickets 2 months in advance. We can send the tickets to your home address or hotel, it depends on your demand.
Hello, How long takes the delivery ? Thanks
Hi, it depends on your address.
Are tickets still available for today Monday? Need 2 tickets.
Hi, the tickets for today were sold out.