

Hi, can you send tickets to The Netherlands?
Hi, we can send the tickets to Netherlands.
Hello! I want to buy 2 tickets, but we are in Spain until end of August. Do you send the tickets to Spain? Thks
Hi, we can send the tickets to Spain.
Does the infant (less than 2 years baby) require a ticket?
Hi, full price for children.
Hi! I just booked tickets via trip advisor - where can i use the booking reference to get the paper tickets? Can I do it before the show or should i do it in advance? What is the exact address of the performance venus (some people mentioned that it is moved due to a renovation)? Thanks!
Hi, please ask for trip advisor who you booked from.
I would like to purchase Y150 and Y250 tickets for a big group (100 pax) for October. Can I book tickets this early and have the entire group seated together?
Hi, the tickets for October are not released, please come back after August.
Hi my baby is 17 months old do we need to buy full ticket for her orbits free entry
Hi, every one needs a full ticket.
Hello,How often does the Happy Circus show? Is it twice a day every weekend? Or only once a day every weekend? Does it show on weekdays as well?Thanks!
Hi, two shows on Saturday, and one show on Sunday.
Hi, we're not sure, but may be 7 to 20 days.
How can I book 2 tickets for a show the 1st or 2nd of January 2017?
Hi, please come back to make the order after November.
How long is the entire show?
Hi, it will take up to 90 minutes.
Is there anyERA performance on Sept 20th ?
Hi, please see
Hello, how can I book tickets? Do you accept credit cards?
Hi, please pay through PayPal.