The countdown to the premiere of ERA2—Spirit of Shanghai will be held in Shanghai Circus City on June 19th. Time Trip 2's performance schedule is as follows:
ERA2—Spirit of Shanghai premiere countdown: The show schedule is as follows
ERA2—Spirit of Shanghai (June - July):
ERA2—Spirit of Shanghai: June 19 (Saturday) June 20 (Sunday)
ERA2—Spirit of Shanghaiwill be performed on July 3 (Saturday) July 4 (Sunday) July 10 (Saturday) July 11 (Sunday) July 17 (Saturday) July 18 (Sunday) July 27- July 31 (Sunday)
ERA2—Spirit of Shanghai June - July performance start time: 19:30
ERA2—Spirit of Shanghai from August: every Tuesday to Sunday at 20:00, every Saturday afternoon at 14:00 extra performance.